Welcome to my self-hosted webserver

You have reached the homepage of this webserver. Welcome!

The webserver is just serving a simple web page. Please do not attempt unauthorized access or intentionally bringing this host down.

This webserver is served via ipv6. For those without ipv6, this webserver has ipv4 reverse proxy / frontend set up to serve the website via SNI routing (I was using free Netiter v4 frontend before coming into this setup). As long as the ipv6 served website is up, this webspace is accessible via both ipv6 and ipv4 (although ipv6 should be preferred for those who have ipv6 internet access).

For those accessing this website via ipv6, HTTP/3 can be used in place of HTTP/1.x or HTTP/2.0. I can't figure out how to route QUIC protocol which is based on UDP to provide HTTP/3 proxying. So for now, there is no HTTP/3 for IPv4 connected clients.

For any questions or comments, send an email to the author (ddns_subdomain) at (tilde.club)

For your pleasure

You may support me on Ko-Fi.

Thanks for visiting my webserver.